I spoke to the paed today about Mickey's lack of poo... and we decided to first try a little cotton bud with some Vaseline for stimulation (they call it "tickling"!), and if that didn't work to try a pediatric glycerin suppository. Well, I am not sure if it was the cotton bud... but she did (hours after the tickling!), finally do her business. Terribly unimpressive considering the weeks wait. So we'll see what happens going forward.
Regarding her feeding... we are going to try a special formula, which name eludes me at the moment... but it is special formula which has added carbs, but won't be hard on her kidneys. It is apparently quite costly, so we'll try it out and see if it helps at all, and take it from there.
While I was on the phone to the paed, Miks vomited... and it definately wasn't a posset, as it was projectile (sorry, rather graphic, but just truthful!).... I was terribly worried that Mickey had perhaps picked up with Josh had. The paed said that babies do sometimes just vomit, and that provided she didn't vomit again within the few hours that followed, it should be fine. And she hasn't vomited again, nor is she running a temperature... so it looks like she is fine.
Me? I am not so fine.
This hurts so very very very much.