Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 8

Her first night at home last night.... hmm... it was interesting.

She slept most of the day, and then decided at 9pm, when we were heading for bed, that she quite fancied being awake... WIDE awake!! And spoilt little girl she is. The boys, from day 1, were in their own rooms, but Mikayla slept slap-bang in the middle of us. And when she gets fretful, Dad picks her up for a chest cuddle.... her favourite place to be is on daddies chest! We have also come to realise that she is quite a fussy little miss.... she gets to a point where she starts spitting out her bottle.. now, sometimes, it's because she is full, but we have come to realise that she will also spit the bottle out when the milk gets too cold! She is her fathers child :)

So we didn't get much sleep last night.... but the first night is always the hardest.. I do remember that much.

Then, today, we went along to Luke's school, to watch Luke play soccer, and see him sing in the choir. I REALLY chose my day to be out and about. It was pretty exhuasting. Bumped into SO many people we knew, and lots of well meaning people, who don't know about Mikayla's condition coming over to have a peek at her, and congratulate us. Their comments are pretty much always the same: "she is BEAUTIFUL... and SO tiny.... a little doll!". Then there are the questions on how the birth went, and how wonderful it all is... and it takes everything in me to resist the urge to tell people that, well, actually, it's been pretty much the worst week of my life... and, oh... by the way.... Mikayla may not make it to one year... infact, she may not make it to tomorrow!.... but instead I smile, and say thank you.

Josh and Miks

The boys are just adoring Miks as well.... they love feeding her, touching her, holding her, talking to her, cuddling her. She is a very loved little girl.

Luke & Miks

And me? I still keep hoping I will wake up, and this will all be a dream.... I am so very very sad.

All my beautiful children

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